Christina's Joy Presents: Launch and Bloom Series

We're so pumped about our soft launch! And what better way for us to celebrate than to celebrate others and their ventures too -- bringing joy, fun, empowerment and fellowship with us!

Part I - we're teaming up with Alice's Tables - Greensboro and hosting a small party at the Weir-Jordan House! More deets are coming soon!! We just had to spill the beans a bit... 

Part II - is for all my lady entrepreneurs and socialpreneurs or ladies that just want some good sister time! We have a few ladies that will be sharing their story in this space and our time together will offer us a time to chat, be encouraged, be informed and network!

 Part III - because as you know JOYGIVES is important to us and we want to highlight leaders in philanthropy and have a brief session on how we can leverage our assets (time, talent and treasure) in a way that will bring value to not only others and provide great social impact, but also how it gives value to our work and toil!